From ob/gyn to surgery, MGH study found salaries for male doctors higher than #female #doctors at public US #medical #schools

From JAMA Internal Medicine:

  • Question Do differences in salary exist between male and female academic physicians in US public medical schools?

  • nci-vol-1926-150
    Just like the old days? 

    Relying on Freedom of Information laws that mandate release of salary information of public university employees in several states, this study analyzed sex differences in academic physician salary among 10 241 physicians in 24 public medical schools. Accounting for physician age, experience, faculty rank, specialty, scientific authorship, National Institutes of Health funding, clinical trial participation, and Medicare reimbursements, female physicians earned less than males.

  • Meaning Significant sex differences in salary exist in public medical schools after accounting for clinical and research productivity.

Well, not  everywhere. More from The New York Times

The researchers also found stark variations in the salary gap at different medical schools, suggesting some address pay inequities more aggressively than others.

“The biggest surprise is there are some schools where this doesn’t seem to be an issue,” said Dr. Anupam B. Jena, the study’s lead author and an associate professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School.

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